Now I have finished all the projects for this month and can get back to the story. This image represents the next phase from the previous post. The major change is the begining definition of the car in the background and a change to the foreground figures jersey. Both of these are done for color harmony. I always work with a cryptic colorwheel in sight, and invaluable reference tool while painting.

The next image shows the addition of shadows and the other darks, adding contrast to the piece. One should create a piece that is equally balanced in color and when vieweed in black and white.

Well, isn't that special, the image hasn't been balance with in photoshop. But here is the final piece. Just the final expressions and colors for the faces, and the parking lot surface and shadows. The un-manned bicyle helps to add contrast and visual interest to the back ground, as well as helping to flatten the picture plane. I tend towards plastic space that is not a deep vista viewed through a window, but instead a flat plane that is an exploration of color and form, with the added bonus of a narrative element. A documentary image of my everyday life. The piece is completed once it is titled, something that only happens when the visual aspects are completed. My wife, Bridget Gethins, titles my work. Like most artist that I know, I am better with images than with words, she however is a wonderful actor and writer, and works are her medium. We feel that the titled should add to the narrative or possible confound it. But ultimately, the titled the painting and the scale are equally important to the viewer's total experience with the art work.
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