Lie Like a Dog

To cover the basics, this piece is created with oilsticks on paper (Shiva Paint Sticks and Windsor Newton Oil Bars on D'Arches Tout En Cast rag paper) and measures 42"x52".
Like all of my works, the painting is created right on the surface, no preliminary drawings, color studies, no solvents and no pencil or charcoal sketching on the surface. As this site's titled implies, I am interested in color and motion. By working this way, from memory and immediately on the final surface, the colors are balanced against each other right on the surface, next to the colors of their final location and the compostions is quickly realized and then fine tuned as the painting grows. Even in this quiet scene, the motion is created by the color compostion the use of the animals and figure to pull the eye through the picture plan. I invite you to my web site to see other works.
I use narrative imagery to compose the abstract formal elements of the work, and then weave that story back into the basis of the image, each informs the other. The story here is a simple one, a view of my wife (and barely visible) and I asleep in bed with two of our dogs in attendance. Edgar is asleep on/at our feet and Grommet can no longer make it up on top of our victorian bed (that's him in the lower left). We are sleeping under a painterly interpretation of one of my Grandmother's quilts.
I am curious what you think of the work and what questions I have raised on left un-answered in your mind.
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